Eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung zum Erstellen von Schulungsvideos mit Pictory AI

Eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung zum Erstellen von Schulungsvideos mit Pictory AI

A Step-by-Step​ Guide to Creating ⁢Training ​Videos with Bildmaterial ‌A.I.

Creating engaging and informative training ⁣videos has never been easier, ​thanks‌ to​ advancements in technology. One such advancement is Piktogramm A.I.,a powerful tool that simplifies the video creation process.this guide will take you thru the steps of creating training videos effectively, ensuring your content is both captivating and educational.

Step⁤ 1: Sign Up for Piktogramm A.I.

The first step is to sign up for an account on the Piktogramm A.I. website. You can choose a free trial or one of​ the premium plans based⁣ on ‍your needs.

Step 2: Choose​ a template

Piktogramm provides various templates⁢ tailored for different video types. For training videos, select a template that fits your content style—weather itS formal, tutorial-based, or conversational.

Step 3: Upload Your Script

Write a detailed script for your training video. The quality of your script will greatly influence your video’s effectiveness. Once your script ​is ready, upload it into Piktogramm A.I. The tool will analyze your text and prepare for the next steps.

Step 4: Generate a Video

After uploading your script, Piktogramm A.I. will process the text and generate a​ video draft. This⁣ phase includes:

  • Scene suggestions: ⁤ The AI suggests visuals that correspond to your​ script.
  • Voiceover Options: choose from various voiceover options to narrate your video.
  • Text Overlays: Add ⁢text overlays for emphasis or highlight key ‌points.

Step ⁣5: Customize Your Video

Make your training video unique by customizing it:

  • Edit scenes: Modify visuals ⁤or transitions where needed.
  • Add music or sound​ effects: Incorporate audio elements to enhance engagement.
  • Insert images and‌ logos: Personalize your video by adding branding elements.

Step ⁤6: Review and Edit

After customizing, review⁢ the video carefully.Check for flow, clarity, and engagement⁢ factors.⁢ Make necessary ⁤edits to ensure quality. Piktogramm A.I. allows ‌easy adjustments, so utilize this feature to perfect your⁣ video.

Step 7: Export and Share

Once you’re satisfied with your training video, it’s‌ time to export it. Choose your preferred video format and resolution. After exporting, share your video across platforms or integrate it into training modules.


Piktogramm A.I.⁣ is a remarkable ‌tool that streamlines the video creation process, making it accessible for anyone‍ to create professional training videos. by following this step-by-step guide, you can develop high-quality training content that is sure to resonate with your audience.

Ready to ‌start creating? Take action now and learn more about this amazing video creation tool by clicking Bildliche Darstellung A.I..

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Konstantinos Albanidis

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