Here’s a disclaimer worth reminding you of….

From time to time, I promote, endorse and suggest products and/or services for sale that are not my own. My recommendation is ALWAYS based on my personal belief that the product and it’s author will provide excellent and valuable information or service. This may be based on a review of that product, my personal or professional relationship with that person or company, and/or a previous positive experience with the person or company who’s product I am recommending.

In most but not all cases, I will be compensated via a commission if you decide to purchase that product based on my recommendation. In some cases, I will receive the product for free for review purposes, or just to use. In most cases, I have used that product to my personal satisfaction in my own business.

IMPORTANT : Always Always ALWAYS do your OWN due-diligence before making any purchases, whether I recommend them or not. Never, EVER purchase anything that you cannot afford. Avoid purchasing products that promise ridiculous results, like “Getting Filthy Rich In Five Minutes”. Most people don’t do anything with the products they buy, and most of the time, their results are zero.



P.S. : Don’t hesitate to reach out directly if you have any questions. You can email me here

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